So we have ANOTHER story on Alex Rodriguez and steroids. Is it me or is this chick Selena Roberts trying to make every dollar she can off of him? It sure seems like it.
Wheter the book has truth or not, it's a dead issue. No one cares about A-Rod and his steroid use anymore. He admitted to using performance enhancing drugs already so these new revelations in the "A-Rod" book are not as stunning as some people make it to be. In the book she claims he started using PED's in high school (ok, and no one does it now?), claims he has been suspected of using them while with the Yankees (and was he the only player suspected at the time?) and that he was tipped off by players of the pitches coming so his batting average could look nice (that's a little bit of a reach in terms of validility but if it is, I'm sure he's not the only one who does it.)
I believe most of us have moved on from Alex and his past. Wheter it was right or wrong, that is up to you to decide but the baseball season is underway and that's all anyone really cares about. Let's worry about baseball and baseball only. When Alex was asked about his thoughts on Roberts' recent allegations in her book he replied,
It's interesting to note how this book was orginally scheduled to be released in May, but then it was pushed up to April 13th, right before the home opener of the new Yankee Stadium, now it's pushed back to coincide with A-Rod's return. What a joke! I understand trying to sell a book and make money but this is rediculous. At this point not many people will care what she has to say as long as he keeps putting up numbers and the rest of 103 names on the list she obatined for her Feburary SI article are released.
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Wheter the book has truth or not, it's a dead issue. No one cares about A-Rod and his steroid use anymore. He admitted to using performance enhancing drugs already so these new revelations in the "A-Rod" book are not as stunning as some people make it to be. In the book she claims he started using PED's in high school (ok, and no one does it now?), claims he has been suspected of using them while with the Yankees (and was he the only player suspected at the time?) and that he was tipped off by players of the pitches coming so his batting average could look nice (that's a little bit of a reach in terms of validility but if it is, I'm sure he's not the only one who does it.)
I believe most of us have moved on from Alex and his past. Wheter it was right or wrong, that is up to you to decide but the baseball season is underway and that's all anyone really cares about. Let's worry about baseball and baseball only. When Alex was asked about his thoughts on Roberts' recent allegations in her book he replied,
"I'm not going there. I'm just so excited about being back on the field and playing baseball. My team has won two games (in a row) up there and hopefully I can come back and help them win some more."
It's interesting to note how this book was orginally scheduled to be released in May, but then it was pushed up to April 13th, right before the home opener of the new Yankee Stadium, now it's pushed back to coincide with A-Rod's return. What a joke! I understand trying to sell a book and make money but this is rediculous. At this point not many people will care what she has to say as long as he keeps putting up numbers and the rest of 103 names on the list she obatined for her Feburary SI article are released.
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