Updates on A-Rod and Kennedy

a-rod-quad3.JPGThe Yankees were hoping to get Alex Rodriguez back this week. Just in time for the Subway Series this weekend but that isn't going to happen.

The MRI A-Rod took showed some progress but it wasn't enought to get him in rehab games like the Yankees had hoped.
“We can’t afford to have him come back for two days then lose him for six weeks,” Girardi said. “We want to have him fully healed.”

Good move by the Yanks here. It's best to play it safe, especially when it comes to A-Rod. You have to be 150% sure that he's healthy enough to play. He's a very big part of this offense so no need to rush him again.


In other news of importance in Yankeeland now, Ian Kennedy is scheduled to pitch one or two innings tonight in his minor league start. With that being said, in all likely-hood he will make the start on Thursday against the Rays.The move has not been offically announced. I assume that they would have liked Kennedy to do some more work in AAA but Kei Igawa's very unimpressive outing on Friday changed those thoughts. Again, I stress that Igawa should NEVER throw another pitch for the Yankees and that Kennedy could do a better job. I guess Girardi and company agreed.
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