Rodriguez denies using performance enhancing drugs

"No" is the answer Alex Rodriguez gave in an interview Sunday night when asked about using steroids.

arod-bases.jpgIn an interview that aired Sunday night on "60 Minutes", Rodriguez denied using illegal preformance enhancing drugs and said he felt he didn't need them in order to compete.
"I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field," he said. "... I felt that if I did my, my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level."

After the Mitchell Report was released on Thursday, former slugger Jose Canseco said he couldn't believe A-Rod's name was not on the report. Earlier this summer, Canseco in an interview with WEEI in Boston said he had "stuff" on Alex regarding steroids and plans on sharing that in his next book.

I guess we'll have to buy Canseco's book to find out what he has. What ever happened to commericals and good old fashioned ads to sell your product? Apparently controversy does create cash.

(Frank's articles can also be found at
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