Read The Book, Then Critque

There's a lot to said about the upcoming Joe Torre book, the "Yankee Years". I am looking to obtain a copy of the book hopefully next week and will be able to come up with my own opinion.

I wrote an article for Peter Araham's Yankees blog on Sunday as part of his pinch-hitting series. The article was focusing on Joe Torre's time as Yankees manager. How I thought he did a great job and how we took him for granted while he was here. I had no idea about the upcoming book. The first sounds of the book came around also on Sunday, so it was just a coincidence that my Torre article was posted on the same day the news about Torre's "ant-Yankee" book was released to the public. Now that caused quite a stir on the LoHud Yankees Blog and brought new readers to this site. I thank those that have come and shared their opinions on the matter. I realize that many people became anti-Torre towards the end of his tenure but I think people should read the entire book first before passing judgement on Joe. We have all heard and read different passages from the book, all covering a varitey of topics, David Wells, Kevin Brown, Randy Johnson, Alex Rodriguez, and Brian Cashman.

So far it looks to me Torre just told it the way it was and Tom Verducci wrote it in the book as such. Nothing I've heard has surprised me yet so it'll be interesting to see what else comes to light as a result of this book. I wonder what Torre's response will be when he's interviewed on the matter. Oh man, how quick you can go from hero to goat in this city....only in New York. But please read the book first THEN cast your opinion.

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